Having warts on different parts of the body is common and they often go away on their own. Unfortunately, it is not known how much time they will take to go. Therefore, you can consider a cryotherapy treatment in Dubai if you want them to go sooner than later. This article discusses how dermatologists use cryotherapy to freeze off warts. Please continue reading to learn more about this technique.

Who Can Take Cryotherapy?
Most of the people with skin warts can try this procedure. The treatment works better for fair-skinned people. The people with dark skin tone can also take it but they may get scarring due to it. It may not be good for little children; however, teenagers can take it.
The adults are mostly good candidates because it works well for adults. This technique could be used if the wart does not contain hair because the hair growth on that skin area can stop due to this treatment. It is suitable to remove facial warts without the fear of scarring.
How Cryotherapy Works?
The treatment could be performed in the home or office of a doctor or skin care professional. Most doctors use liquid nitrogen to freeze off the wart. The doctor may consider removing the dead skin on the wart area using a blade. The liquid nitrogen will be applied to the wart using a spray or a cotton swab.
It will feel cold and the skin will get numb for some time. Some pain and discomfort are common in general. The treatment area will turn red and blisters may form here. The person may get a headache if treatment is performed in the temple area.
How Effective is Cryotherapy?
This treatment is good to get rid of smaller skin warts. If a person has got large skin warts, more than one treatment sessions might be needed to say goodbye to the larger to deliver the desired results. It is important to mention that a gap of two to three weeks needs to be maintained between two consecutive treatment sessions.
Your doctor will likely apply salicylic acid between treatments. This option can be used to remove genital warts as well. Warts on the genital area may keep coming back after taking it. Warts on other body areas will permanently get removed. Contact your dermatologist if you need to learn more about cryotherapy treatment in Dubai.